Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Ahh remember when?

Just a little reminder of just how sweet golf was this past summer, beautiful scenery, great friends, perfect weather and .............oh ya, this beautiful sight. Turn up the volume so you can hear the beautiful ending!!! To all my AZ and TX friends, here is looking forward to the next 5 months going quickly so we can all get together and do it again!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Random Thoughts with Subliminal Message!

With an audience full of supposed bad a..es, how did no one jump on stage and kick the crap out of Kayne West. I didn't even see it nor will I but I read about it and I would have!!

Speaking of people who need a beat down, shouldn't the 85lb Asian line judge got up and gone Bruce Lee on Serena Williams over the weekend. No one should take that abuse from anyone let alone a female? tennis player.

Football is back and it is all good, sloppy joes rule!

The weekend was full of golf and poker with awesome friends, does it get any better.

Patrick Swayze in Roadhouse was awesome, RIP.

Joe Wilson yelled "you lie" since when is speaking the truth wrong or did I miss something???

I hope Michael Savage lives to be 100.

My new putter and I are off to a long lasting relationship, "Ohhh Billy, Billy, Billy"!

Scratch that bad a..es at the MTV awards, I forgot its filled with feminine guys with manliner, wanna be gangstas who probably have never held a gun, and record producers (guys) who don't want to break a nail from their manicure.

I love scotch.....scotchy, scotch, scotch. Anchorman 2 in production!!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Are you kidding me?

Note to me on a discussion forum:

Please, send your kids to school and get a full report on what happened. Encourage your kids to observe and report accurately, and then tell us all about it. The teachers could do anywhere from a brilliant to an abysmal job with the assignment. This is a great opportunity — whatever happens. If the teachers handle it well, the children learn valuable skills. If they handle it badly, that will be the basis of a lesson we can teach them.

Why stop at the President's speech?
Let's teach the kids about sex and then have them try having sex in class. If they handle it badly, that will be the basis of a lesson we can teach them.

Let's teach the kids about smoking and then have them try smoking in class. If they handle it badly, that will be the basis of a lesson we can teach them.

Let's teach the kids about drinking and then have them try drinking in class. If they handle it badly, that will be the basis of a lesson we can teach them.

Tuesday September 8th

My family and I will be making Tuesday the 8th truly a day to remember full of fun, games, pictures and NO SCHOOL!!!!

Leave my kids out of this!

The story of JoeyJosef

So for the last few months I have been playing a video game Call of Duty 4 and needless to say it is addicting. The cool thing is that you can play online against anyone throughout the world, different races, religions, beliefs etc. I have been verbally shredded with all the bad words you can think of, I have been called the worst of African American slurs, been called female names, you name it and you can hear it all by the guys who wear an earpiece right through your own television!!
But the one thing I always get is either a real positive or big negative regarding my "gaming" name (4GOD)gman71187. What I didn't expect was the following. I was winning a few games in a row and a particular guy was grilling me hard with horrible names particularly racist names, funny for a true white boy! He even sent me messages, right after I won, so it goes like this:

JoeyJosef: you motherf...in ni..er lover
(4GOD)gman71187: wow what a loser

JoeyJosef: ni..er
(4GOD)gman71187: so not only are you a poor loser youre a racist also

JoeyJosef: f..k you b..ch
(4GOD)gman71187: pretty sad dude, it's just a game

JoeyJosef: I am your jesus
(4GOD)gman71187: you should really look into the MAN

JoeyJosef: did that, I was at a pentacostal holy roller for but felt I didn't meet their standards
(4GOD)gman71187: There are only one set of standards to live by HIS

JoeJosef: I dont want to be a liar
(4GOD)gman71187: doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, where did you go to church

JoeyJosef: Assembly of God for 2 years
(4GOD)gman71187: Gotcha, good game

JoeyJosef: :) you too
(4GOD)gman71187: Where do you live

JoeyJosef: gotta go I have been sick all night
(4GOD)gman71187: later

So yeah the story is not finished but look at the progression in just 8 messages, JoeyJosef may not know it fully but God is pulling on his drawstrings hard!!
I often hear people say they don't ever know when God is talking to them.............HELLO!!!

We have a guy in our men's group who once said the following, " I don't think I hear God but I just keep coming to the mens group every Wednesday in hopes of hearing HIM. I don't know why I keep coming but I do in hopes of hearing him"................HELLO!!

I know God was talking to me for sure, in my past I would have lit JoeyJosef up worse than he could have ever imagined in some messages, probably tracked him down wherever he was in the country and beat him down bad (sound familiar Mr. Los Bandoleros biker guy!). So God was definitely talking to me because I had that initial reaction and even my first responses were antagonistic but I realized again to beat him down with kindness.

I will keep an update on JoeyJosef because I just left him a message. I must leave now, I tell my wife I need to play now to help the hundreds of other JoeyJosef's in the COD4 world!!

Friday, August 21, 2009


Inspired by Hayley, who I now know we should have expanded the background check on her and if you start looking at my blog please don't grammatically shred it like all of my English teachers in my youth.
I have taken up my own blog in my long list of trying things we will see how long this lasts. I am already way past My Space, overwhelmed on Facebook and can't understand why anyone would want to know what I ate for lunch (Tweet).
Inspiration by my boys is another reason for this blog. My two sons are phenomenal, they are light years ahead of where I was at, at their age. I have to say that I was told the other day on the golf course that I should pick and choose my own battles with my kids, that I am militant, I should ease up.......and this is from a friend!! I have to say that I do look at all matters not as a battle but as a learning process and I will choose the importance level of this matter by my tone, my pestering or sheer General Patton level. I will not turn my eye on a filthy room because it is "their" room, I will not let them go to a friends house to do "nothing", I expect good grades, and I expect respect to others at the highest level. Seems pretty simple and my boys are great at all of them, then I started to realize that I failed at two of those "requirements" my whole childhood.
I never had a clean room the way I expect it now due to my "militant" style and grades....forget about it. I drove my mom insane, very smart but just didn't want to go to school or study although I did manage a 4.0 grade point average...............that is accumulative, 1.0 for each quarter, pitiful.
I asked my son after my "friend" meeting if he thought I should lighten up on some things, to my amazement nothing! Although we have a tight relationship I can tell that he was not 100% telling the truth. Bottom line, I do need to lighten up, my sons are smart, courteous (although not to one another), helpful and have a relationship with God. What more could I expect from them. I will lighten up starting as soon as you clean up the breakfast mess!!!